题目:New methods in measuring online the degradation of power electronics components
主讲人:Prof. Volker Pickert
Volker Pickert教授是英国纽卡斯尔大学电力研究课题组负责人,并在电力电子方面拥有20年的工业和学术经验。Volkert教授共发表论文和专著130余篇,担任IET电力电子杂志的主编。由于其在功率因数校正方面的突出贡献,被授予了IMarEST的Denny奖章。此外,Volker教授还担任了2009年TTXGP – World’s First Zero Carbon, Clean Emission Electric Bike Grand Prix技术顾问。 Volker Pickert教授在多电平换流器,功率因素校正,电动汽车及电力电子建模等方面有一系列高水平的研究成果。
Online monitoring of the health of power electronic devices such as power switches and capacitors becomes more and more important for power systems, transport and industrial applications. This is because an unscheduled failure of a power switch or capacitor can cause several million dollars of financial loss or in a worst-case scenario can cause the loss of human life. The lecture will explain why power device fail, list the requirements to do health monitoring and will than provide an overview of latest and unconventional methods that has been proposed today.